Cat's Meow

The newest Cat’s Meow is of the Neshamony Methodist Church, 325 Main Street. The cost is $25. Please contact Mary Johnson at 215-757-4812 to purchase/inquire. There are still other Cat’s Meow pieces available for purchase.

Raffle Basket Donations

Throughout the year at various events the Historical Society features Raffle Baskets. We appreciate the donations that several people have made in the past to this effort to raise funds for the Society. This year we are looking for more members of the Society and community to make such donations throughout the year. Any kinds of items can be accepted for men, ladies and children. Contact Rose Bonaventura by email or telephone (760-677-9176) to donate.

Help needed

The Hulmeville Historical Society is always in need of adults and youth (including those who need to do Community Service projects for school) to volunteer to help with our many events throughout the year. Here are some examples of things you can do to help.
- Set-up, serve, or clean-up at the various events;
- Welcome folks attending the events;
- Hide eggs for the Community Easter Egg Hunt;
- Provide baked goods for the party after the Christmas tree lighting.

Feel free to contact the Historical Society (stop by at any of our events and chat) for more ideas.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact Rose Bonaventura by email or telephone (760-677-9176).

From the Archives

From time to time we will present a bit of town history, old photos, or other interesting information.

Visit our Archives page to read more.

Our latest history story is about the Indian boys from the Carlisle Indian Industrial School.

Also see the Hulmeville Sesquicentennial book information in the right pane.

Information Update

The Historical Society is trying to update our mailing list. We know some Newsletters are addressed to the previous occupants at some addresses and we wish to correct that, matching current occupants with the correct address. Please help us to do this by contacting Joe Coleman at and provide your name and address. We want to make sure all our Borough residents are getting our information!

Hulmeville Historical Architectural Review Board

The Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) advises Hulmeville Borough Council regarding the advisability of issuing permits for the erection, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, and demolition of any structures within the historical district of the Borough. The intent is to preserve the historical character of the district.

If you live or own property within the district, you must get a Certificate of Appropriateness, and possibly a Zoning Permit, BEFORE making any exterior changes to the property that can be seen from a street or way. This includes any alteration of the building’s exterior, eg. replacing the roof, siding, windows, doors, electrical fixtures, painting and fencing.

Prior to starting your project, contact Hulmeville Borough Zoning Officer via the Hulmeville Borough Website for further information. If you are uncertain as to whether or not your property is located within the historical district, refer to this map or call Mary Johnson, HARB Chairman, at 215-757-8412.

Board of Directors

  • President      - Rose Bonaventura
  • Vice President - Mary Johnson
  • Archivist      - Joe Coleman
  • Treasurer      - Diane McKairnes
  • Finance Chair  - Mary Johnson
  • Secretary      - Diane McKairnes
  • Corresponding Secretary  - June Robinson
  • Auditor        - Doug Harris
  • By-Laws        - Bill Wheeler
  • Membership     - Steve Miszencin
  • Chaplain    - Lorelei Bach
  • Newsletter    - Joe Coleman
  • Committee person    - Joe McKairnes
  • Committee person    - Tracey Crouse

Membership Info

We need more members and volunteers. Please join us in celebrating and building our community!

The Historical Society is always looking for people with an interest in their town and helping with the Society by serving on any of our committees or even the Board of Directors.

Membership in the Historical Society is open to everyone.

The suggested membership donations are:

  • $12 - Individual
  • $24 - Family
  • $50 - Business
  • $500 - Lifetime member
  • $0 - Age 75 or older

You can pay at any of our regular monthly meetings or download our membership form and return it with your payment.

If you would like information on membership, contact Steve Miszencin at 215-359-5653 or

Also, watch your mail for our monthly newsletters and membership information.


Our meetings are held in the Borough Hall (321 Main St.) and are open to everyone. They are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month beginning at 7:00 pm. At each meeting we discuss the planning of upcoming events as well as some topic from Hulmeville history. Residents are also welcome to come with questions about Hulmeville history that we will try to answer.

Please note there is no meeting in July or December.


Submit ideas and information

Anyone having any Borough news or information they would like to have posted in the Society's newsletter should contact Joe Coleman at

Current Edition

Read the latest edition of the Society's newsletter, the Town Crier

January-February-March 2025


The Historical Society sponsors a number of events for the community each year. Everyone is welcome to attend, and everyone is even more welcome to help.

For a complete listing of the annual events, as well as any special work details or events, check our Events page.

Please note, the Night at the OCI, originally scheduled for February 20, has been rescheduled to March 27.

What's it Worth?

Dozens of people turned out for the Hulmeville Historical Society “What’s it Worth” with Mike “The Appraiser” Ivankovich on Friday, January 17. Every seat was taken as Hulmeville residents and our neighbors from surrounding communities brought prized possessions to have Mike and his wife Sue estimate the value of each item. Items at the event ranged from a fifty-year-old Schwinn five speed Stingray to antique clocks to an original William Penn deed and wax seal. In addition to estimating a value for each item, Mike offers tips on the best way to try to sell each item if the owner was willing to part with them. It was an entertaining and informative evening for everyone, and we thank Mike and Sue for their expert advice and all our guests for attending.

HHS T-Shirts

Let’s show some hometown pride by wearing a hometown shirt! The t-shirt design features the Hulmeville Historical Society logo on the front and artwork by Jane Buckman on the back. Susan grew up in Hulmeville and has graciously donated her artwork for our use. Shirts of all sizes are available for $15 and will be for sale at our events. You may also place an order by contacting Rose Bonaventura by email or telephone (760-677-9176).

Click here to see the drawing on the back of the shirt.

Hulmeville 150th Cookbook

The Hulmeville Heritage Cookbook is available for sale. Cost is $15. No wait, it is now on sale for $10. They can be ordered by contacting Judy Coleman at They will also be sold at future Hulmeville events.

Hulmeville Borough - A History at 150

The Hulmeville 150th Anniversary History book is available for sale. The cost is $40 for a hard cover book, $25 for a soft cover book. Please contact Joe Coleman at 267-261-2719 or email with any inquiries.

A note from Parks and Recreation

Signs of any kind are PROHIBITED in Hulmeville Borough Parks. If you have questions, call the borough hall (215-757-6531) and leave a message. Someone will return your call..

Featured Business

Did you know that Hulmeville has a number of businesses that serve the community? Each newsletter will introduce you to a business within the borough. Please check them out!

Other Meetings and Boards

If you are interested in attending a meeting, and concerned whether it is virtual or in-person, you should contact the meeting organizer.

Hulmeville Borough Council

The Council regular monthly meeting is held the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall. The meeting dates may be moved due to holidays. The Council worksession is held the 3rd Tuesday, also at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are open to the public and attendance by Borough residents is encouraged. This is a great opportunity to hear what is going on in town and to voice any concerns you may have. Visit the Borough website: for announcements, meeting agendas, upcoming events and local government related information.

Hulmeville Zoning Hearing Board

Meetings are held as needed. Contact the Borough Zoning Officer, at 215-757-6531 or for information.

Hulmeville Architectural Review Board

Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month AS NEEDED. If you live in the historic district and are planning on exterior renovations or improvements to your home, you are required to come before the HARB. Contact the Borough Zoning Officer, at 215-757-6531 or at least one week before a scheduled meeting date.

Hulmeville Municipal Authority

The regular monthly meeting of the Authority is held the 4th Monday of each month in the Borough Hall and begins at 7 p.m. The Authority worksessions are held the 3rd Tuesday, AS NEEDED, also at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are open to the public.

Copyright © 2025, Hulmeville Historical Society